Volume 2 Aristotle.
I haven't read much Aristonle yet, but I've liked what I have. And he practicly laid the foundations
of our whole society by himself, so why not read him? Also, he enjoyed giving his dominering
wife pony rides. |
Cervantes: Don Quixote.
I cannot say enough praises for this book. It is absolutely delightful. I could hardly put it down
as I read it. The feelings it gives me to read are exactly like those of the best children's books.
The author appears to have been both a genius and completely insane. I think it must be my
favorite book ever.
John Dewey: How We Think.

Charles Dickens: Pickwick Papers, Chrismas Carrol, David Copperfield, Great Expectations,
Tale of Two Cities. The Pickwick Papers is one of my favorite books ever, being simply
unstopping halarity from begining to end. If you're ever depressed, a few chapters of this book
are all that is necessary to be jollied up once agian. Those other Dickens books are good too,
but Pickwick Papers is by far my favorite.
Dostoyevsky: Brothers Karamazov.
This book is very brilliant and moving, and so carefully thought out. Everything in it is like wheels
within wheels. But.. Aaaa! I don't think I understood it as well as I could have. I'll have to reread it.

Richard Feynman: Lectures on Physics, Lectures on Computation.
Feynman is a total genius. There is no more complete and enjoyable physics course.
Nathanial Hawthorne: Scarlet Letter.
I can't help being hypnotized by Hawthorne's amazing prose. It is totally distinctive, perfectly
elloquent, and so deep and compelling that in envelopes you like a torrent.

Victor Hugo: Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables.
Les Miserables is one of the most exciting and moving books I have ever read. It is impossible
to put it down. And Hunchback of Notre Dame is great because in it a man falls in love with
a goat. |

David Hume: Treatise of Human Nature, Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
 (Volume 2)
William James: Principles of Psycology, Varieties of Religious Experience.
Some Thoughts Concerning Education and The Conduct of the
John Locke: Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Conduct of the Understanding.
John Locke was a great philosopher. I think the most important things I read in his Essay were that
people argue more about the definitions of words than of ideas, and that people tend to think
more inductively than deductively. The Conduct of the Understanding is my favorite book by him,
and it is a long list of irrational ways of thinking and how to avoid them.
Jack London: Call of the Wild, White Fang.
London seems very interested in getting right into the heads of his canine protagonists. Could he
have been a zoophile? I don't know. |

Macchiavelli: The Prince, Discourses on Livy.
Nietzsche: Portable Neitzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Geneology of Morals, Eche Homo,
Will to Power. To get the full effect of Neitzsche, you have to read a bunch of his books.
I think he is the most entrancing philosopher I have ever read. Also the most insane.
Plato is so wonderful to read. His writings are so sincere, so spiritual, and so excellent. My
favorite is the apology. Then of course there's also the Symposium, which in my opinion is the
greatest erotic book ever written.
Marquis de Sade: 120 Days of Sodom, Justine, Juliette.
Sade is one of my favorite writers and his works have been somewhat of a model for a comic
strip I write. No one has ever tried to shock and illicit hatred as much has him or has done such
a good job. He is the greatest pornographer ever, and his books are still controversial even after
more than two centuries.
William Shakespeare.
George Bernard Shaw: Plays.
Shaw happens to be incredibly halarious.
Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations.
I can't describe the passion I felt as I read this book. Such genius! Such clarity! Few books have
altered the course of history as much as this one.
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Democracy in America is incredibly wonderful. De Tocqueville is amazingly perceptive and frank
with his observations of America. The book is thoroughly enjoyable and thoroughly readable.
Mark Twain: Tom Sawer, Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper,
A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
Umm... Look, it's Mark Twain!
Thorstein Veblen: Theory of the Leasure Class.

Oscar Wilde: Picture of Dorian Gray, Importance of Being Earnest. |